Spain’s Ruling Party ‘Satisfied’ with High-Level Meeting with Morocco

“I express our satisfaction with the summit and the meeting held last week in Morocco,” stressed PSOE spokeswoman and Minister of Education and Training, Pilar Alegría, in a statement to the press.

The high-level meeting confirmed the “good relations between Spain and Morocco” and allowed the adoption of twenty “extremely important” agreements, said Alegría, stressing the “fundamental importance” for Spain and all European countries to continue working in “coordination” with Morocco.

The 12th session of the Morocco-Spain HLM, co-chaired by the Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch and the Spanish Government President Pedro Sánchez, was sanctioned by a joint declaration in which both parties expressed their commitment to maintain the relations of excellence that have always linked them and reaffirmed their willingness to enrich them in a lasting way.

On this occasion, the two parties signed several cooperation agreements in areas such as migration management, tourism, infrastructure, water resources, the environment, agriculture, professional training, social security, transportation, health security, and research and development.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse