UNHRC: Morocco Positions itself on International Stage in “Proactive Manner’ (U.S. Think tank)

The election of Morocco to the presidency of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) is a “notable performance”, which attests to a desire to position itself on the international scene in a ‘proactive manner’, said the Africa Director at the U.S ‘Atlantic Council’, Rama Yade.

‘This is a notable performance because of the conditions of Morocco’s election against South Africa: secret ballot voting is not common. It’s a clear victory: 30 votes out of the 47 members represented in the Council,’ the international expert and former French Secretary of State for Human Rights, told MAP.

In her point of view, this election confirms Morocco’s desire to position itself on the international scene, and better still, in multilateral organizations, in a proactive manner, particularly on the African level. She cited the return of Kingdom to the African Union, its candidacy for ECOWAS and the Atlantic initiative.

Hailing the Kingdom’s commitment to promoting the ‘universal’ dimension of human rights, Rama Yade highlighted the p
rogress made by Morocco regarding interreligious dialogue, women’s rights and environmental and migration issues.

Source: Agency Morocaine De Presse